Monday, 19 September 2011

Lego Creationary

I'm soooo proud!!!

Look at this:

We are introduced to a new way of playing games.
Lego Creationary.
It's fun... it's creative and something new. No oldfashion Risk,
Ticket to ride, cardgames..
No, with this everybody can join in and play.

We were visiting our friends a couple of weeks a go and were introduced to
LEGO Creationary.
When we're at their place we usualy end up playing games, this time was no exception. This time their daughter of 8 introduced us to this game.
It was a laugh! The fun thing is that everybody can join in.
I'm so proud of my creations... they knew instantly what it was!!
HIHI.. How much fun you can have with lego!?

Monday, 12 September 2011

Simone's amazing world of TEA part two

You know I love Tea,
Well this is something I like about Tea as well...
The way they wrap it!!