Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Olaf's first birthday!

My little nephew turns 1 on friday.
Which means his auntie has to start baking...
Happy birthday Olaf!

Chocolate lollypops!


  1. Your culinary skills look mouth-wateringly delightful and oh how I wish to have had an aunty like you :)

  2. Thank you so much!! That's a great compliment. It's unfortunate you're not living in Holland, like some other readers of my blog... otherwise we could do some cake-tasting ;P
    I could ship over a piece of the cake...but it's probably not tasting so well after a trip to Ireland! I'm so sorry! hahaha :D
    Thanks for stopping by! Love the photo's on your blog. And it was interesting to read about the healing well! I loveeee Ireland. Been there twice now. Really have to take my husband there one day. Shame on him... He's English and never set a foot on Irish ground yet. He's missing out, isn't he?

  3. So sweet, Simone. You are an aunty in a million. I also wish I'd had an aunty like you :)

  4. I have just been to Hobby Craft and they had molds in the shape of your cake pops. Are they cake pops or are they just candy melt lollys?

  5. Hello anonymous ;-)
    Yes its candy chocolate melts. You melt the chocolate and put it inside those molds. Put it in the fridge, and you are done!
